


Please log in to join this organisation.

Fun, friendly and adventurous!

About the club: 

Welcome to UEA Kayak Club! We are a fun and friendly club which caters to all abilities - whether you've kayaked before or never picked up a paddle! We paddle mostly flat water in Norfolk, but always have trips planned to white water rivers or centres, and run regular sessions, socials, and trips throughout the year. We welcome members at all points during the year, so it's never too late to join!



There is no better way to see Norfolk than having a peaceful paddle along the flatwater rivers, especially if you've just moved here! Take a look at the further details about the club below. We can't wait to see you soon :)



When? We run sessions on Wednesday and Sunday every week during term time, from 13.00-16.00.

Where? We meet at the water sports shed, which can be found at Suffolk Terrace Block C at 13.00, where we get changed and pick up the boats. We then head down to the River Yare on campus, by the bridge on the other side of the lake.

What? At the sessions we work on building up your kayaking skills, going for a leisurely paddle along the river, playing some raft games and occasionally paddling down down to the weir.

To sign up to a session go to our Facebook page where a signup sheet is posted every week. Put your name down to reserve a boat. Please purchase a membership before signing up to weekly sessions.

After kayaking come and join us at the SU bar!

We hope you're excited to get paddling and we can't wait to meet you all!



We run trips to local and national rivers, whitewater centres, and pools throughout the year. They are a range of beginner, intermediate, and we try to do advanced as much as possible.Our trip secs always have some killers ready!

We also compete in BUCS wildwater in Scotland and BUCS slalom in Nottingham every year!

Please note: Trips this year (2023/2024) will run according to and dependent on government advice regarding COVID-19.



We have planned loads of great socials this year, for drinkers and non-drinkers alike! Socials are a great way to get to know everyone better, so come along even if you're not a regular paddler!

There's no pressure to drink or stay out for the whole night - we want you to have a good time and feel safe and comfortable!



This year we are hoping to compete in both the BUCS Wild Water Race and BUCS Slalom events! We are also excited to help kayak safety BUCS events such as the BUCS Flat Water Race and the BUCS Triathlon which will be happening in Norwich this year.

£25 per year for the year.
£15 if you join for a single semester.

What's included?
All equipment hire! Boats, paddles, buoyancy aids, spray decks, cagoules, boots, wetsuits, and more!

What should I bring?
Something to wear in the water/under a wetsuit/change of clothes, shoes you don't mind getting wet and a towel.

Please read our risk assessment and code of practice before paddling (linked below)


Come along, have fun and meet some chill and cracking people!

Your Committee 2023-24:

President - Claudia Schmidt (Medicine)

Vice President - Ben Archer (Adult Nursing)

Secretary - Eden Hoppe-Tarr (Environmental Science)

Treasurer - Josh Bell (Ecology and Conservation)

Health and Safety Officers - Theo Friery (Philosphy) and Finley Jaggard (Paramedic Science)

Trip Secretaries - Beck Sherry (Speech and Language Therapy) and Alex Barrow (Engineering)

Social Secretaries - Issy Chan (Chemistry) and Tommy Nunn (Energy Engineering)

Equality and Diversity Officer - Eilean Macdonald (PHD Oceanography)

Union Rep - Harvey Rose (Politics and International Relations)

Publicity Officer - Katie Rayner (Psychology)

Get In Touch!

Make sure to join the UEA Kayak facebook page ( and follow us on instagram (@ueakayak) for more in-depth information! 

Any questions please feel free to ask us via the club email ( or on the UEA Kayak facebook page.



Additional Cost of Sport Ranges

The additional cost of sport project, which was created by the Students’ Union, alongside uea+sport, is designed to give prospective members information on the range of costs they may face in joining their chosen sport.

This range should be taken as guidance. For compulsory costs, this price includes uea+sport membership which is £55, and you only need to pay once to join all of our clubs.

When considering additional costs, some clubs may have none and others may have further costs. This is often dependent on the level of competitiveness for the sport you get involved in, and so recreational or socially playing may be cheaper. You may also have equipment which can be used between multiple sports, for example shoes or gum shields.

For any questions, please ask the sport club for specific further information, or for further information on the project.

Many thanks,

Luke Johnson

Your Activities & Opportunities Officer 23/24


Whitlingham camping Joe's ticket
Only buy if you are Joe
Kayak Charity Quiz
Garden House Pub, 1 Pembroke Road, Norwich, NR2 3HD
Kayak charity quiz at the Garden House, raising money for Norfolk Rivers Trust